In 1989 in a Bangladeshi restaurant in the village of Churtsey, the two Bari brothers realised there was a margin to be made in the supply of frozen food. The restaurant owner had asked the brothers to pick up some essential stock from Billingsgate, and Smithfields. With £20 in their pocket, they found out that buying direct from wholesalers only cost them £15.
Twenty years later the Glorydale group has grown year after year from its humble beginnings to where it is now,suppliying over 1,000 restaurants from New Milton, to Oxford, from Chelmsford to Bristol and throughout Greater London. Nearly 50,000 tonnes of frozen food is imported every year, and in the frozen food sector the Glorydale group turns over £20 million every year.
The Asian restaurant trade , with an estimated 17,000 restaurants in the UK, employing nearly 150,000 people is still expanding. Of those 17,000 restaurants around 9,000 are Bangladeshi owned.
Glorydales strong and historical presence in the Bangladeshi restaurant trade is expected to continue its growth